Wednesday, August 13, 2014


 So I  am finally getting to the end of the tunnel with my Master's Degree and thought it was a good time to revisit my blog in order to continue to relay important health messages and educate on the benefits of good health. In today's society, there are growing health concerns that are plaguing not only our aging population, but also our nation's youth. Just modifying your daily habits can have a significant impact on one's life. I encourage you to move more, and be conscious of the daily meals that you consume.
Understanding that we eat for health is a way we can shift focus on how we associate food with pleasure. Becoming more active can significantly reduce chronic health risks and can even be enjoyable! :) I will be posting weekly tips and tricks that can help not only to begin to change one's health, but also how we can change attitudes toward a healthy lifestyle! Please if you have any questions or want to suggest weekly topics, please feel free to comment.

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