The practices that I am going to choose to
try and implement more on a daily basis would be the Rainbow Meditation and the
Loving Kindness. These techniques really had an impact on my ability to start a
path to mental fitness. The Rainbow Meditation allowed me to focus on the meridians
of the body and while I was doing the exercise, it could visualize the specific
colors and points of the body. Once completing the exercise, I had a sense of
relaxation, wholeness, and focus. The Loving Kindness exercise allowed me to
focus my attention on someone else and feel as if I was helping them in some
way. Being able to grasp onto someone’s hardship can allow me to become a more
compassionate individual towards others issues and feelings. Both of these
exercises are ones that not only am I going to employ and discuss with my
clients, but I look forward to continuing my success with them myself.
These practices can be implemented in my life
through daily sessions. Being able to take time out of my schedule to focus on
me health and well-being will be an important point I plan to take on in my
life. Having some sort of structure helps me to plan and carry out my daily
routines. I would like to start my day with the Loving Kindness meditation so
that I can begin each sunrise with feelings of love towards myself and others. Ending
my day with the Rainbow Meditation will not only help me to relax, but it helps
me to put life into perspective before going to sleep. I would like to also
encourage my family to join me during these sessions and then discuss how they
felt or reacted to the techniques. I want to continue my journey for mental
fitness and even though this class may be coming to an end, I would like to
continue on my journey towards a better sense of wholeness.