Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wellness Professionals: Leaders and Wisdom

One of the main icons during ancient times was the god of healing, Asclepius. He is the basis of this meditative practice since much of the discussion talked about his wisdom and teachings. During this weeks meditation practice, we were instructed to listen to a recording and begin imagining someone in our lives as an image of wisdom. During this exercise, I chose to picture my grandfather sitting in front of me since I feel that our connection is very strong. I have been fortunate that for the 25 years of my life, he has been there for me in every way and allowed me to grow as a person and face challenges. His wisdom in many aspects of my life has helped me through struggles and brought a sense of ease during times of sadness. As I went through the exercise, I could see the beams of light being emitted and transferred to myself and it was almost as if he was there with me in the room to guide me through the exercise not only with his mid, but with his actions. This course has taught me to really appreciate one's mind and to expect the unexpected when it comes to meditation. I had sometimes pushed it to the back of mind saying I would do it, but this class forced me to try new methods and become very fond of many we have tried. After looking at some of the previous techniques and looking toward the future, I am going to try and take time out of my day to experience some tranquil time to reflect on myself and my health.

  When it comes to the saying, "one cannot lead when he or she has not gone him or herself" this is a great example of why our jobs as health and wellness professionals are so important. Before we become successful in our fields, we need to make sure that we are following our own advice and techniques to ensure that our clients will be getting the most out of our care. I for one am a huge supporter of this idea. I feel like this is a great opportunity for the client to realize that you are human just like them. Too many times people seek our help and feel as if we do not understand what they are going through. Being in the position of battling and defeating a weight issue and depression from a job loss, I can say that I have been in their shoes and can show and educate them that it's possible to change and get on the path towards good health. Not only will they feel more trusting and good hands, but the relationships that can result can be so rewarding. Having a success story myself will be an advantage that can help my clients acheive their goals by believing in themselves and knowing that with motivation and courage they can acheive anything!


  1. Hi Jen,

    Well presented post. I like how you added the picture of Asclepius. He must have been a very wise man in the day to have seen the benefits of meditation because it was not well known or practiced. I feel the same way about this class. I am glad I chose a Health and Wellness degree versus a Nutrition degree because if you do not have a healthy mind you can not be physically well no matter how good your nutrition status is. It has made me really focus on this area of my wellness. Good luck in your future ventures.

  2. Hello Jen,
    I am glad that you are able to reflect on what you have learned from your trials and tribulations to share and teach others. I have always battled my weight, and even though I am overweight, but not morbidly, I still feel the pull inside me when I eat something bad. The pull being that inner voice that yells at me and I don't listen. I have lost the weight, but put it back on and now I am on the right track again. Thank you for reminding me how success is possible, and it is very motivating. I wish you well and thanks for sharing. Erika Schafer

  3. Jan, you always have lively pictures with your posts. It always makes me want to reply to you..:) Great post. He was a great man of his time. I love learning about methodologies of ancient times, and wonder where is that wisdom today. As a registered nurse, I wonder a lot why classes like this are not integrated into basic nursing classes. I feel many nurses need this type of class to be able to learn to step back and reflect on themselves and their day. Reflection gives us a chance to paint a bigger picture and also think about others. Sometimes I feel nurses forget why they became a nurse, and can be impersonal and arrogant. This class reminds me that the world is bigger than me and it should be appreciated as that. Good luck with your Masters, I will also be doing mine in about 3 weeks...yippeee!
    Susie Brishaber

  4. Jen,

    As always great blog post! I enjoyed hearing about your connection with your grandfather. He is sounds like a true gift to you. I chose to think about my Mother during the meditation exercise. She has always been a calming grounding presence in my life. When ever I call her upset she immediately calms me done and puts my life in perspective. It is so important to have people like this in our lives.

  5. Hi Jen,

    It seems like you got a lot out of the exercise and it worked really well for you. It's really great that you found different activities that you enjoy and will carry on after this class. I also enjoyed the meditation involved with this class. It showed me that clarity fo the mind is an important thing.

    Reanne Baxter

  6. Hi Jen, if your blog account is set up like mine then this will probably notify you that I just posted this. I was going back through some of the old blogs and re-read your blog. I was so touched by your story of your grandfather that I had to say thank you and ask if you have been able to re-create that experience since then? Take care and again you have such a beautiful way of writing.


    1. Thank you for the kind words and I do appreciate them greatly! I have been using this technique now for some time and have been able to visualize various images and people that are important in my life. It helps me truly appreciate the many things that are present in my life so that I never take them for granted :)


Looking forward to your comments!